
Save or discard a draft of a thread

If you've started a thread but don’t want to post it right away, you can save a draft and post it later.

How to save a draft

  1. Start a new thread.
  2. At any point, click away from your thread draft to anywhere else in Twist like a channel, thread, or message.
  3. Your draft will stay at the top of the channel where you created it with the label Draft. You can go back to it at any time.

You can use the Back arrow in your browser to quickly navigate back to your draft.

  1. Start a new thread.
  2. At any point, you can click away from your thread draft to anywhere else in Twist, like another channel, thread, or message.
  3. Your draft will stay at the top of the channel where you created it with the label Draft. You can go back to it at any time.

You can use the Back arrow in the top-left corner of the app to quickly navigate back to your draft.

  1. Start a new thread.
  2. Tap the Back arrow in the top-left corner.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Your draft will stay at the top of the channel where you created it with the label Draft. You can go back to it at any time.
  1. Start a new thread.
  2. Tap Cancel in the top-left corner.
  3. Select Save Draft.
  4. Your draft will stay at the top of the channel where you created it with the label Draft. You can go back to it at any time.
Drafts are only visible on the platform that they were created on. For instance, if you save a draft on the web, you will only be able to see it on the web. You won't be able to see it from the Android app.

How to discard a draft

Had second thoughts about a new thread you’ve been drafting? You can discard the draft of a thread any time: 

You won’t be able to recover the draft once you’ve discarded it.

  1. Open the draft on the platform where you created it (for example: if you created the draft in a browser, you will need to open the draft in a browser). The draft will be at the top of the channel you created it in.
  2. Click Discard in the bottom-right corner.
  3. Click Discard to confirm.
  1. Open the draft on the platform where you created it (for example: if you created the draft in a browser, you will need to open the draft in a browser). The draft will be at the top of the channel you created it in.
  2. Tap the back arrow in the top-left corner.
  3. Select Discard.
  1. Open the draft on the platform where you created it (for example: if you created the draft in a browser, you will need to open the draft in a browser). The draft will be at the top of the channel you created it in.
  2. Tap Cancel in the top-left corner of the app.
  3. Tap Discard Draft to confirm.
If you log out and then log back into your Twist account, you will lose any drafts you might have across threads and/or messages.