
Upload a profile photo

Keep your profile looking sharp by uploading a photo to represent you on Twist.

  1. Click your team icon in the top-left corner of Twist.
  2. Click Settings & members.
  3. Open the Account tab.
  4. To the right of your photo, click Upload Photo and select.
  5. Find and upload your new profile photo.
  1. Tap your team icon in the bottom-right corner of Twist.
  2. Tap Account.
  3. Tap Photo and select:
    • Take photo to take a new photo.
    • Choose from photos to pick a photo from your gallery.
    • View photo to see your current photo.
    • Remove Photo to remove your current photo.
  1. Tap your team icon in the bottom-right corner of Twist.
  2. Tap Account.
  3. Below your current photo, tap edit and select:
    • Take Photo to take a new photo.
    • Choose Photo to pick a photo from your library.
    • Delete Photo to remove your current photo.