
Roles and permissions

Every team member in Twist has a role that defines what they can and can’t do within the app. Read about the different roles and settings below:

Team Admin

A Team Admin manages the entire team, as well as looks after the Twist billing and account information.

They can:

  • Invite and remove members.
  • Change members’ roles.
  • Change team settings.
  • Update billing information.
  • Delete channels.
  • Delete groups.
  • Delete the team.
  • Do anything a Member can, such as creating channels, starting threads, and posting comments.


A Member has full access to use Twist. The majority of your team will have the Member role.

They can:

  • Browse and join all public channels.
  • Start threads, post comments, create channels and create groups.
  • Send messages to teammates.
  • Update their individual settings.


A guest is a limited member of your team.

They have similar access to a Member, but only within the specific channels to which they have been invited by a Member or Team Admin.

This role is ideal for people like external contractors or clients you need to communicate with. Read more about single-channel and multi-channel guests.